No sooner had I gotten back to Kari's floor from posting my last update than they announced they were moving Kari out of the critical care unit and to a new room one floor up. Kari's room number is now #4277. When you send her emails send them to Karen Morris-Guzman, room 4277. The hospital updated the info almost immediately, but it might happen that a few of your emails get lost. Shona and Linda are putting emails in binders. One big binder is already full, another is half full, and there's a third waiting. Thank you all for taking time to write. It lifts everyone's spirits here.
With all the progress Kari is making, there are still many moments of suffering. When Kari tries to cough and when she has to be suctioned these are moments still very hard on her, and they are difficult to watch. When she suddenly found she was moving, I saw a look of fear come over her face as people were moving all around her, packing up her belongings, taking things down from walls, unhooking all the wires and tubes she still depends on, and wheeling her down strange corridors to a strange new room. I thought of the fear that must have gripped her in those first few hours after she got to this hospital with no one around that she knew, Aaron 250 miles away, her parents 550, and us over 1000 miles away. Before they moved her they had to suction her several times, and also after she got settled in the room. When she tries to cough her body, especially her right arm, shakes, and there is that panic we all get when we can't quite catch our breath. These things happen side by side with what everyone here can see is amazing progress. God has not given us a spirit of fear, but it hovers near at times, held off by the enormous hope and trust we feel in God, and by the knowledge that you all are out there praying and sending your love. We're on our way to having two binders full of proof for that. Thank you all, again and again.
--Richard R. Guzman
THIS ONE IS FOR YOU! Thank you for the updates on Kari. It is so good to hear of the progress and I appreciate the honest reporting on the difficulties taht you all are experiencing. My sister was in ICU for 1 1/2 months, following an illness. It is so hard to be the watcher! I can appreciate your feelings as you watch and pray. Take care of yourselves. Give the Lord the power to heal care for you all.
Hugs, Jan Barrett
Hi Richard,
Should we address our emails to KAREN Morris-Guzman OR KARI Morris-Guzman. I know that at one time that made a difference on whether she rec'd them or not :-) It appears both ways on this website. Could you let me know for sure? I'm going to re-send one that I sent out yesterday just in case it got lost in the shuffle of changing room #'s in the system. I'll wait for your reply.
Thanks very much,
Kim Jimenez, St. Chas. Free Meth. Church
I left a message with Aaron regarding spine/neck treatment here in Riverside. Dr. Thomas Haider opened a spine center here a couple of years ago. He has a website and an E-mail address. I hope this helps.... Your daily updates are so comforting. We are are praying for Aaron and Kari. They are loved so much.
Lori Berry
Gage band parent Riverside, CA
Richard, why did they move Kari? Does this mean that she's progressed to the point where constant care is no longer necessary? If so, sounds like a good thing. Hi Aaron! I drove by your house today. I can't believe the gargantuan (sp?)houses they've built on both sides. Such a Naperville thing to do. Take care friend. We ask that God give you the strength and energy to face each new day.
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