Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Update from Aaron

Hello All-

during physical therapy, Kari got to go outside today for the first time since the accident. We also took her over to my apartment for a few minutes and she was in a power chair a little while for fitting. She should be learning to drive it tomorrow. All the moving has made Kari VERY tired though, so please pray that she has enough energy for all the things that PT and OT want her to do. Also, Kari told me to thank all of you for prayers and also to pray that her fever goes away. She is not nauseous, but her fever zaps her energy and just makes her feel bad. Its been off and on for the past few weeks, (more off than on the last few days) but today it seemed to come back with a little more consistency. Still, all the little ups and downs are just little adjustments to this long uphill climb, and I pray that the Lord would continue to sustain us. Many times it is hard to see the patients here that have more function than Kari. It very easy to think that the people that can use their hands and arms have it easy. Of course, there are a few patients here that would look at Kari and think the same thing and the many families that loose loved ones every day in auto accidents would probably give anything to have them back in any condition. We want to again thank all of you that have donated money, come to visit, and performed all the little (and big) favors that have helped to make life a little easier.


P.S. Remember to email me with the visiting info at Shona is still here and will probably have more news for you tomorrow.


Anonymous said...

Hey Aaron & Kari-
I am thrilled to hear that Kari got to go outside! I know that was something she really, really wanted to do. Sara will be so pleased, as this is something she tried to arrange since the "early days". I am excited to see the progress made since my last visit (a week ago today)to my next visit tomorrow.
See you both soon.

Anonymous said...

Dear Aaron and Kari,
I am continuing to pray with you too that God will indeed "sustain you". I can pray for this in confidence because I know our Savior will sustain your energy, patience, hope and more each day. It's just like that verse, "Those who wait (or hope - depending on your version) on the Lord will renew their strength.... they will mount up with wings as eagles..."
Is. 40:31
I love you both and you are continually in my heart and my prayers!

Anonymous said...

Hi Aaron -

It's been a long time! Ever since I heard about Kari and your accident, I have been praying for strengh and healing. There will be many mountains to climb... sometimes they will take a while to get over... but remember, with God's help, you will get over them. Adam and I will continue to pray for you and Kari! Love to you both!

Kendra (Barrett) Gohr

Anonymous said...

HI Guys,
Your experience has taken me on a journey down memory lane that is difficult at times.

My brother became a quadriplegic 25 years ago as a result of a gunshot wound.

Life changed for all of us around him, but some of the things that came through is that my brother is still my brother.... God is still God.... and He is in control.

I am in constant prayer for you and the family members who are surrounding you with love and support. May you see His peace on a daily basis, and may you feel His power through the therapists who are working with you and teaching you the things that you need to know to prosper and to be used of God.

Anonymous said...

I love you both and pray that God will use this setback in your lives to do His work beyond what any of us could ever see. Every improvement of Kari's is a miracle to praise the Lord for. :)

Much love,