Sunday, August 14, 2005

What movie?

     To answer a couple of queries about the movie Kari saw:  It was "In Good Company."  She was so tired she slept through about a third of it!  Still, she thought it was OK.  She also drove herself there and back, with only one rough spot turning around in the elevator.  But what an entourage she had surrounding her which might have made driving that much harder.
--Richard R. Guzman


Anonymous said...

Hello, it has been so nice to read all the uplifting comments that are posted here. I would like to send you a web site for a young man in Riverside who attends MLK and was recently injured. His injuries do not appear to be as serious as Kari's - I also sent them your web site as I believe he and his family would find it very uplifing. God Bless you all,

Cyndi Rowden

Anonymous said...

I forgot to send you the website - it is and click on the Sam Powers button. Sorry about that.

Cyndi Rowden

Anonymous said...

Since I live in Riverside I visited the website you mentioned and I was very interested in Sam Powers' story. Having his C5 vertebra shattered and his C6 fractured he is doing amazingly well. His doctor says he will more than likely walk out of the hospital! Although it will be a long road to that point Sam is already slowly getting movement back into every limb of his body. Today's progress was moving each single finger digit independently on his left hand, like he was playing a musical instrument. The independent part is the great news! His right leg is coming along wonderful. He still is not able to control both arms from the finger tips to his elbows much, but his fingers are waking up!
Sam is now at Loma Linda University Medical Center's Rehab Center.

This should be of hope to Kari and her family. A family member might want to talk to David Siambanes, the Director of the Riverside County Regional Medical Center's Spine Center, who performed Sam's surgery.

God bless,
Laurie Haessly

Anonymous said...


Dr. Siambanes works at Haider Spine Clinic also in Riverside. His number is 951-413-0200. He is one of the premier docs in the country. He is also my daughter's doc for moderate scoliosis. He is a kind and caring man and I am sure would answer any questions that any family member might have.

Cyndi Rowden