On June 18 Aaron, Melissa and I left for Ashland, OR. Aaron began his master's program at Southern Oregon University. He was in class from 8 am-5 pm almost every day for nearly 3 weeks. It's an intensive summer program for 3 summers. One down- two to go!
While Aaron was working so hard in class all day, Melissa and I were hard at work watching movies, shopping, going for long walks in the park and sleeping. There were a few days that we were hotel-bound because of very poor air quality outside from the California fires. The smoke hung in the air like a cloud. On the 4th of July my friend Daleasha and her family came down from Eugene to hang out with us.
Aaron did have a couple of days off during his program. We were able to take time one day to visit Crater Lake. Crater Lake is amazingly beautiful as you can see from the pictures. If you ever are anywhere close to it, you should go!
Aaron finished his classes on July 8. So after 20 days at the Holiday Inn Express we packed up and headed north. We stopped at the Wild Animal Safari in Roseburg, OR and drove through the park a few times. It was really neat to see all the animals so close up. Unfortunately for the animals and for Aaron it was 106 degrees outside. Melissa and I were quite content. We are practically reptilian in our need for heat!
We continued our journey to Eugene where we dropped Melissa off in a Target parking lot. Her aunt met us there and we said goodbye to Melissa. Aaron and I spent a couple of days with Daleasha, Gene, Daisy and Nate in Eugene. (Did I mention that Daleasha is pregnant??) We had a blast with them at their house and the beach...which of course, was freezing cold!
After our brief visit in Eugene, we headed to John and Cyndi's for several relaxing days.
Cyndi had her baby on June 6. Noah Jeffrey is perfect and cute and smiley.
Ok! On July 18 Aaron and I continued north to Seattle. We spent a couple of beautiful days in that beautiful city. We met up with some friends of mine from Greenville College days, Ramon and Cerise, and they took us around Pike Place one afternoon. We had a fantastic time!
On July 20, our 6 year wedding anniversary, Aaron and I embarked on yet another northward bound journey aboard the Star Princess.
The scenery of Alaska was breathtaking. (I sound like I'm on the Travel Channel). We went through iceberg-y waters; we saw glaciers; islands filled with nothing but trees; and of course spectacular snow-covered mountains.
And yes, with all the icebergs, glaciers, snow and open water...I completely froze. I looked like a giant tan blob with a colorful hat, 2 eyes, and 4 wheels. But all I needed were my eyes to see all the beauty around me.
In the end, we were glad to be getting off the ship and begin the 1200 mile journey--heading south! You've probably never heard of anyone heading south for the summer, but I was ready to thaw out!
We stopped for one night at John and Cyndi's--Josh and Noah were very happy to see Aunty Kari and Uncle Aaron again. They are so cute!! (Have I mentioned that yet?)
We arrived home in Riverside on July 29 to 90 degree temperatures!! Unfortunately we were too late to experience the 5.4 earthquake that occurred earlier that day. But we were thankful everything was ok.
Well folks, I guess that's it. We were gone for 6 weeks. It was a long time to be gone; but as always we are thankful to God for his grace and mercy that allows us to have such adventures in spite of our day-to-day challenges.
Blessings to you all--hope you're having a great summer.
Much love, Kari
1 comment:
so glad you had such a great 6 week adventure and that you got to were able to see AK! its prob better you didnt come to sitka the weather was pretty rainy that week!! The photos are awesome! I am thinking of your friend sarah!
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