Tuesday, August 02, 2005

A Message From Aaron

Hello All--

This is the first time I've written anything on the blog, so I first want to thank all of you who have been sending emails, cards, care packages and flowers, those that have donated money, and most of all to those that have been committed in prayer for us. It is very humbling to know that so many people are following along and helping to shoulder the weight of the situation. Anyways, I want to call on all of you to pray specifically that Kari's Pneumonia goes away quickly, that the transition to Craig Hospital (rehab) goes smoothly, that our apartment management would let us out of our lease without penalty, and that the Lord would grant us both patience and strength as we are both (Kari especially) getting a little stir-crazy. Most of all though, I want to ask all you to approach God humbly to ask him to heal Kari's body. We don't know God's timing or plan in this situation, but I ask that you would keep this prayer in your hearts for the many years to come. As you pray for this, remember that we don't have God's eternal vision--so it is in our human frailty that we bring this petition before the Lord.

God bless,


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ditto to what Susan said :-)
It was great to hear directly from you, and how you and Kari are feeling and what specific needs to pray for. Because we all want to DO something for you! We love you both so much and will keep on praying without ceasing.I know God has some powerful plans for both of you and I look forward to watching in awe and wonder as they unfold. Just seeing how many lives you have touched already has been amazing!
In faith and love,